Thursday, August 5, 2010


“What we would like to do is sing a song together

Now you see what usually happens is you get a group of people who might sing but for some unknown reasons that are not unknown anymore they won’t do it

Most of us need approval, most of us need to get a approval from our neighbours before we can let it all hang down

We would like to sing a song called ‘Higher’ and if we can get everybody to sing along we would appreciate it.

Just sing Higher and throw the peace sign up it’ll do you no harm

Still again some people feel they shouldn’t, because there are situations where you need approval to get in on something that could be sooo good

If you throw the peace sign up and say Higher and get everybody to do it, there’s a whole lot of people here and a whole of people might not want to do it because they can somehow get around it and feel there are enough people to make up for it and on and on. Etcetera, etcetera … Wow

Way up on the hill"

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